Dear Friends in Christ,
I want to begin by saying thank you. St Laurence is a remarkable community, and over the past two months, I have already seen the deep generosity that sustains this parish. Your giving—of time, talents, and resources—has made possible the beautiful renewal of our sanctuary and narthexes through the Renovision project. More than that, your generosity is reflected in the warmth, joy, and commitment I have encountered since arriving. I am still buzzing from my induction service last Monday – I think everyone could see the energy and love that define this community. The generosity of love here is truly inspirational to me, and I want to build on this as we step into a new season together.
A Practical Request
Stewardship is not just about meeting budgets—it’s about partnership. We are building something here: a community that combats isolation with belonging, that nurtures people spiritually to grow into the fullness they were created for, and that seeks to make a bigger difference in the world. But, practically speaking, we need to have a reasonable idea of our income so we can plan well.
That’s why I’m asking each of you to prayerfully complete the attached Pledge Form and return it to us on or before Sunday, February 9, 2025. Knowing what we can expect financially this year (2025) will help us to be wise stewards of our shared resources and to sustain and grow our ministry.
If, like me, you are new to St Laurence, I encourage you to consider making a commitment to regular giving—it’s one of the ways we become fully part of this church family. I am currently giving monthly by e-transfer but we also encourage the use of pre-authorised donations (PAD) and envelopes that are numbered. Curt in our office can help.
For those who already give, thank you. And if you are in a position to do so, I ask you to consider increasing your giving. Not out of obligation, but as a way to strengthen what God is doing in and through this parish.
Every Gift Matters
Even small, intentional amounts make a difference. Regular giving, at any level, is a spiritual practice—it shapes and deepens our own faith and our collective prayers. It reminds us that we are in this together, that our church is not just something we attend, but something we build with our generosity.
I am so excited to be here at St Laurence. I hope you will join me in supporting the life and mission of this parish—not just with your presence, but with your generosity.
With gratitude,
Philip, Rector