Sundays 9:00 AM

A quieter, spoken service for a more intimate worship gathering.

Sundays 10:30 AM

A vibrant service for all ages that includes a wide variety of music. A children's program takes place in the hall during the first part of the service. We gather for refreshments after the service. This service is recorded and live-streamed. 

To Stream on-line, watch on YouTube HERE.

Wednesdays 9 AM 

This service is Morning Prayer, Bible Study and Eucharist all rolled into one. A great way to begin your day! 


Other Worship Services

We have a number of special services each year at Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter as well as some services that are planned and led by our children and youth. Check the Events page for dates and times for when these occur.   


Eucharist-centred worship services are at the core of our church life. Our members find spiritual nourishment in a diverse range of worship styles incorporating inclusive language and exploring the many strands of Anglican tradition. We value strong preaching with challenging sermons that inject the lessons of scripture into our modern lives and lifestyles. In short we seek worship that transforms and equips us to serve God in our community and beyond. Not sure what to expect? Visit this page for more info.


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