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Saturday, October 5th, 5:30 PM

Join us for Dinner, Bingo and a Silent Auction. Suggested donation: Adults $20; Teens $5; Children are free! (Don't let cost prevent you from participating; we will happily cover the cost for you)

DINNER: Gourmet brats, sausages and hot dogs with all the fixings. Dessert bar featuring a sundae station.

BINGO: Multiple games of free bingo with lots of prizes to be won. Please bring a highlighter to mark your cards; a limited number of highlighters will be avaliable for $2.

SILENT AUCTION: Your chance to bid on various hosted Gatherings and Experiences. Auction will end after church the next day.

 Proceeds will go to the ‘Blessing the Future’ Capital Campaign.

Auction Sneak Peak: We have luncheons, dinners, afternoon tea, a wine tasting, a scenic walk, a spiritual walk, storytelling, knitting lessons, and a custom dessert! More to come.